Male anorgasmia is a disorder of diverse origin (psychological, hormonal, neurological or pharmacological) that causes the absence or decrease in intensity of the orgasms of those who suffer from it. It should be noted that the most severe form of anorgasmia, in which the orgasms directly disappear, is the rarest, the most common being the one in which the intensity decreases. “I have always enjoyed my relationships, from when I was practically a teenager until many years after I got married, had children and became independent. However, for a few months, I have noticed that my orgasms are not what they used to be: they have lost intensity and I hardly feel any pleasure. It's bad? Does it have a solution?" In this article, Dr P K Gupta, sexologist in Delhi , aims to provide answers to these very common questions: what causes male anorgasmia? Does it have a solution? WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF MALE ANORGASMIA? The most common causes are the following: PSYCHOLOGICAL CAUSE...